One of the advantages of our beams is that they’re vividly realistic – as demonstrated when they were combined with a real wood plank ceiling!
Recently, we had these pictures sent in by a customer, demonstrating one of the unique advantages of faux beams. Not only do they look great, but they’re authentic looking that they can be paired up with real wood and people still can’t tell the difference.
In this example, our classic Timber Beams in Walnut stain were chosen to adorn the ceiling of this beautiful open-plan home. The challenge? The ceilings themselves were already finished with real wood slats.
Anything other than these beams would look terrible side-by-side with real wood; but fortunately our products passed the test. They were also breathtakingly easy to install. Our beams can be held in place by a two-man team, and attached by drilling them directly into ceiling mounting blocks. In this example, those mounting blocks were attached over the existing wooden slats, through to the ceiling surface beneath.
The result, as you can see, is incredibly realistic and compliments the decor beautifully. It makes the open-plan home look much for characterful and timeless, and matches the clean tan walls and abundant art adorning the walls.
The only real challenge was cutting them to fit. As you can see from the pictures, one angled wall required a carefully measured cut to make the beam fit flush.
Fortunately, our beams can be cut to size with a regular wood saw – and as long as you follow the motto of ‘measure twice, cut once’ there’s nothing beyond the scope of a regular home construction enthusiast.
What do you make of this look? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.